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Environmental and Clean Technology
Industry Overview

Clean technology is any product or service that reduces negative environmental impact. It can be achieved through energy efficiency improvements, sustainable use of resources and better waste discharge solutions. The environmental protection industry refers to the activities that aims at preventing pollution, improving ecological environment, and preserving natural resources. Some examples are technical product development, commercial distribution, resource utilization, information service, and project contracting.

Based on the official data from Export Development Canada, between 2005 and 2018, global cleantech market increased at a compound annual rate of 4%. By 2015, the value of global cleantech exports had reached over $1.2 trillion and is now projected to rise to $2.5 trillion by 2022.

As a resource-abundant country, Canada places a premium on the development of clean technology, a key economic strategy of the government of Canada. According to“Canadian Clean Technology Industry Report”, value of clean technology exports is projected to be over $20 billion by 2025.

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